Fall Activities: Planting Seeds for Policy SuccessEvery fall is a busy season in the world of out of school time (OST) intermediaries, with back-to-school activities, conferences, and more…6d ago6d ago
Engaging Youth in Policy and Advocacy: A Guide for Intermediary OrganizationsBy Hikma Sherka, Program Director of Youth Engagement, Every Hour CountsOct 31Oct 31
Unforgettable Moments at the Raise the Bar: Engage Every Student SummitAuthor: Susan Diaz, Senior Director of Member EnagementAug 3, 2023Aug 3, 2023
Liberatory Learning Environments for Young People and the Adults Who Support ThemThis is the third post in our series highlighting the promising approaches and insights coming from our Thriving Workforce Work Group…Mar 29, 2023Mar 29, 2023
Policy Change is a Long Game. Afterschool Veterans are Sharing Their Playbooks.Jennifer Peck, the founding executive director of Partnership for Children & Youth (PCY), a statewide afterschool intermediary organization…Feb 2, 2023Feb 2, 2023
Building a Thriving Out-of-School Time Workforce: What Would it Look Like if We Nailed It?By Desiree Morales, Every Hour CountsJul 18, 2022Jul 18, 2022
Building Better Summers: Using the Wallace Foundation’s Summer Learning Toolkit to Strengthen…Summer program managers all over the country are moving at a fast clip to launch a third summer supporting young people to learn, grow, and…Jun 13, 2022Jun 13, 2022
Why Afterschool Programs Need Social and Emotional Learning NowRecent discussion highlights how afterschool programs have used SEL strategies to help children throughout the pandemicFeb 3, 20221Feb 3, 20221
Amidst a Staffing Crisis: Understanding how to Recruit, Retain, and Support Afterschool…Desiree Morales, Every Hour CountsDec 2, 2021Dec 2, 2021